GRASCON has worked persistently to develop world-class competences in helping our clients define their security assessment framework, and working from that to map out the risks, threats and hostile scenarios that exist within their spheres of operation and actual operating environments.

We have gone beyond the strategic advisory specialisation to position ourselves at the very cutting edge of solution implementation across a broad spectrum of counter-threat activity in the cyberdefence, asset protection, anti-fraud domain, reputation management, physical access control, system surveillance, operational defence, theatre fortification, and document integrity defence and anti-tampering.

We are particularly effective at handholding client organisations from one level of threat awareness to a much high level, completely reconfiguring the personnel and system readiness to counter intrusion, evasion, penetration, sabotage, subterfuge, espionage, social engineering based attacks, tactical infiltration, and extended manipulation.

Whether your goal is to block leakages from the boardroom, ring-fence identity management to prevent impersonation, add a richer layer of intelligence to your biometric installations, or preserve the sanctity of your contracts, GRASCON has just the right combination of tools and services to put at your disposal.
